A lot of people want to lose weight, but at the most important stage they give up. But not our hero. Let’s familiarize ourselves. Meet Kelly, she has 3 kids and lives in Australia.

Woman was too full. It was difficult for her to look after her children. But this story has a happy ending.
When she gave birth to her third child and stepped on the scale, she saw a 300-pound mark. This was a shock, because she had never weighed so much.

She urgently needed to change something, and not just because of the numbers on the scale, it was difficult for her to keep track of three children herself. She wanted to move around more with the kids and be active, but with such a weight it was not possible.
Her favorite food, like many, was French fries and chicken, and it was hard to give them up. She decided to cut the portions. After getting used to this food, she decided to get rid of carbonated beverages, replacing them with mineral water or plain water.

Instead of white rice I used brown. I ate only at home and avoided snacking in cafes.
All of this began to gradually change her life.

The food was always in containers so as not to eat too much. So she turned everything into an automatism. And I didn’t want to eat any more or any other unhealthy food.
She starts breakfast with rolled oats or scrambled eggs. Lunch was a light salad with chicken or fish, and dinner was the same, only fruit was added.

All the diets just tell us that the result will come very quickly, but it doesn’t, and Kelly has proven it by her own example.
Over time, she started to add physical exercises, but they weren’t in the gym or the fitness club, but in pole dancing.

She was able to turn her life around and inspire others. Now it’s hard to recognize the big woman she was.
Dear readers, how would you rate Kelly’s effort? We are waiting for the comments.